Language and culture are inextricably interwoven. Effective use of or work with a language requires a good understanding of the culture that is associated with and expressed through that language.
SIL Senegal is affiliated with SIL International, a faith-based nonprofit organisation, aimed at serving language communities worldwide. Since 1984, SIL Senegal has assisted ethno-linguistic communities in Senegal to develop a series of ongoing, planned actions that ensure that their language continues to serve their changing social, cultural, political, economic and spiritual needs and goals.

Language Development

SIL publishes its research and widely distributes it to libraries, universities, governments and international agencies. Many of these publications related to the languages of Senegal are available on this website.

About SIL Senegal
SIL has been working with language communities in Senegal since 1984. Learn more about the work SIL Senegal does in partnership with numerous local actors.